collaborative family law

We provide representation for people involved in the collaborative family law process.  We guide and support you through the process, explain the law and available options, participate in meetings, and help you come to a satisfactory resolution.

what is collaborative family law?

Collaborative Family Law is a purposeful and deliberate approach to resolving the issues related to separation.  Both parties commit to openness, cooperation, and resolving the issues without going to court.  This commitment is reflected in a contract signed at the beginning of the process.  It is often called a "Participation Agreement."

Collaborative Family Law requires each party to have their own collaborative lawyer.  Four-way meetings and negotiations take place, and minutes called "Progress Notes" are taken of those meetings.  These progress notes may also indicate steps or action items a party must take before the next meeting.  Collaborative Family Law can involve additional specialists to assist with resolving issues or exploring potential options.  These specialists may include accountants to verify tax consequences, business valuators or social workers to provide custody/access assessments.

If a resolution is not reached, both parties need to retain other lawyers and the information obtained and used during the collaborative process cannot be shared with or used by the new lawyers without your consent.    

Collaborative Family Law statistically is very successful and client satisfaction is often higher than through other processes due to the level of collaboration and involvement.   Preserving your relationship with your former partner or spouse is important, particularly when there are children involved. This method is a tool and opportunity to create the foundation needed to move forward with as little stress as possible.

More information

I am a member of the Collaborative Family Law Association of Waterloo-Wellington.  Their website has great information about why you should choose this process, describes the process, sets out the benefits, and answers common questions.  If this process interests you, I encourage you to review the website and the related links, or book an appointment to review how this process can work for you.